
Royalty Free Music for Videos

Keroncong Lounge

The melancholy song titled ‘Keroncong Lounge’ featuring; flute, violin, ukulele, mandolin, bass in pizzicato style, electric guitar, piano and drums. This music is so relaxing and soothing. According to Wikipedia: Kroncong (pronounced “kronchong”; Indonesian: Keroncong, Dutch: Krontjong) is the name of a ukulele-like instrument and an Indonesian musical style that typically makes use of the kroncong (the sound chrong-chrong-chrong comes from this instrument, so the music is called keronchong). Kroncong music began in the 16th century when sailors from the Portuguese Empire brought Portuguese instruments and music to Indonesia. The "Preview" voice watermark is present on this demo to protect against theft. When a license is purchased a non-watermarked version will be available to download.

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